Not every person in rehab is there because they want treatment or believe they need it. Some people end up in rehab because their only other option is going to jail. If you’re in a substance abuse treatment program as the result of a court order, you may wonder, “What will happen if I get kicked out of court-ordered rehab?” There are consequences for not following through with court orders, and none of them are good.
For more information about addiction treatment, call The Bluffs today at 330.919.9228.
What Is Court-Ordered Treatment?
Court-ordered addiction treatment is an alternative to being sentenced to jail. A judge may believe a defendant and the community would be better served by rehab than by incarceration. In that case, they have the discretion to offer rehab as an alternative.
Not every defendant gets the opportunity to be sentenced to treatment. Typically, only first-time and non-violent adult offenders are considered for the program.
Adult drug courts are designed to give non-violent criminals who are struggling with substance or alcohol use disorders a second chance. Court-ordered rehab is both fiscally responsible and compassionate.
Additionally, incarceration costs considerably more than rehab, so it saves the taxpayers money. And having fewer people with substance use disorders living in a community makes life safer for everyone.
Can I Get Kicked Out of Rehab?
Court-mandated treatment isn’t a free pass. It is still a legally binding sentence. If individuals violate their sentence, there are legal consequences.
Whether you are remanded to a residential or outpatient program, you must attend the full program and follow the rules. Each program has its own protocols. However, if patients violate those protocols — such as bringing drugs into the rehab center — they can be forced to leave.
Rehab centers have experience working with people in all stages of recovery, including the denial stage. Most programs do all they can to accommodate new patients and keep them safe as they adjust to the expectations of rehab.
It’s doubtful that any patient would be forced to leave over a minor infraction of the rules. Participating in any illegal activities would be grounds to get kicked out of rehab. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the rehab is court mandated or voluntary.
What Will Happen If I Get Kicked Out of Court-Ordered Rehab?
Leaving or getting kicked out of court-mandated rehab can be compared to breaking out of jail or violating the terms of house arrest.
Most violations don’t occur because the patient has been forced to leave. They occur because the person refuses to enroll in the first place or stops attending scheduled outpatient programming before they have fulfilled their obligation.
There are severe consequences if you leave or get kicked out of rehab:
- The judge may send you to jail to serve out your sentence
- You might be fined
- You may be made to pay for the costs involved with getting you into rehab
There are also consequences if you get into legal trouble again after attending mandated rehab. Possessing or selling drugs after your sentence could result in fines or a harsher jail sentence.
Court-ordered rehab isn’t just a chance to stay out of jail. It’s a chance to receive life-changing treatment. If you’re wondering, “Can I get kicked out of rehab?” it’s a good sign that you’re concerned and want to take the opportunity seriously.
Find Compassionate Addiction Treatment at The Bluffs
At The Bluffs, we understand that people enter treatment for many different reasons, sometimes even when they don’t think they need it. Our team is committed to providing the same high-quality, compassionate care to every patient, regardless of their past or the path that brought them to our treatment center.
If you’d like more information about court-ordered rehab or any of our substance use disorder programs, call The Bluffs today at 330.919.9228.