A priority for any patient going through (or has gone through) substance use treatment is preventing relapse. By seeking help through an addiction treatment therapy program, patients have the very best chance of maintaining their sobriety.
There are distinct types, or stages, of relapse. Patients must recognize them to have an effective relapse prevention plan in Ohio in place. If you or a loved one needs help with relapse prevention, reach out to The Bluffs Ohio at 850-374-5331.
The Three Stages of Relapse
One of the most important things to remember about relapse prevention is that relapse happens gradually, developing over weeks or months before a person picks up a substance.
Effective relapse prevention programs in Ohio help patients recognize early warning signs and develop the skills they need to deal with them effectively. There are three stages of relapse: emotional, mental, and physical.
Emotional Relapse
During this stage, people don’t think about using. They might remember a previous relapse and not want to repeat it. However, their behaviors and emotions are setting them up for relapse, frequently without them even realizing it. Denial is a big part of emotional relapse.
Some of the emotions and behaviors that signal emotional relapse include:
- Isolation
- Bottling up emotions
- Not going to meetings
- Going to meetings but not participating
- Poor sleeping and eating habits
At this stage, people tend to suffer from poor self-care, too, whether they realize it or not.
Mental Relapse
In this stage, there is internal conflict. Someone in mental relapse may feel that part of them wants to use, but part of them does not. As this stage progresses, their mental resistance to relapse decreases, and their need for an escape grows.
Signs of mental relapse include:
- Thinking about situations associated with past use
- Cravings for substances
- Minimizing consequences of use
- Bargaining or lying
- Conjuring schemes to better control using
- Looking for and planning a relapse
An effective relapse prevention plan in Ohio can help patients in mental relapse avoid high-risk situations that may lead to physical relapse.
Physical Relapse
This is the stage when a patient starts using substances again. When patients focus too strongly on how much they used a substance in the past, they tend to minimize the consequences of “just one use.”
Once a person goes back to using just once, it can quickly relapse into uncontrolled use. Many physical relapses are actually relapses of opportunity. This opportunity happens when a person thinks that just one use won’t matter enough to lead to a full relapse.
They often don’t realize that relapse has already begun when they experience these thoughts. Part of our relapse prevention programs in Ohio focuses on rehearsing situations and developing sound, healthy exit strategies.
Many people mistakenly think that relapse prevention is nothing more than saying “no” just before using. However, physical relapse is the final stage, and it’s the most difficult stage to stop. If a person remains in the emotional or mental stage for too long without having effective coping skills in place, they can be more likely to fall to relapse.
Relapse Prevention Therapy in Ohio with The Bluffs – Ohio
Developing healthy coping skills and transforming negative thinking are two main goals for relapse prevention therapy in Ohio. Many people turn to self-labeling and negative thinking during the stages of relapse. This can lead to resentment, self-blame, stress, depression, and anxiety, further elevating a patient’s risk.
Our professional, friendly team can help you create a relapse prevention plan in Ohio that will give you the tools you need to stop the threat of relapse in its early, more manageable stages. Don’t wait another minute to stop relapse in its tracks. Contact The Bluffs Ohio at 850-374-5331.