Ativan is a highly addictive prescription medication used to treat anxiety. It’s very common to experience Ativan withdrawal symptoms when Ativan use is stopped. Fortunately, a benzo addiction treatment program can help you detox from Ativan safely.
Don’t go through Ativan withdrawal alone. The Bluffs offers detox and treatment for all types of substances, including Ativan. Give us a call today at 330.919.9228 to learn more about getting help with Ativan withdrawal at The Bluffs.
Understanding Ativan Addiction
Ativan is a benzodiazepine, or “benzo” for short. Ativan is the brand name of lorazepam, a prescription medication commonly used for short-term anxiety treatment.
Like many benzos, Ativan is highly addictive and many people abuse it. The drug impacts the nervous system, reducing feelings of stress and creating a euphoric sensation. While Ativan is legally available through prescription, it’s also often sold illicitly and used recreationally.
It’s important to realize that even if Ativan has been prescribed by a doctor, it can still be abused and lead to addiction. Even if you’ve taken Ativan as prescribed, you may still experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it.
Common Symptoms of Ativan Withdrawal
Ativan is a drug that has a powerful impact on the nervous system. This means that when you suddenly stop taking it, you’re likely to experience severe withdrawal symptoms.
Ativan withdrawal symptoms usually begin to come on a few hours after your last dose. At first, you may simply feel restless or irritable. As the hours pass, symptoms can grow worse.
Some of the most common symptoms of Ativan withdrawal include:
- Fevers
- Tremors
- Insomnia
- Diarrhea
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Elevated blood pressure
These symptoms may last around five days and typically peak around 48 hours from the last time you took Ativan.
The withdrawal period isn’t just hard on the body. It can be mentally and emotionally challenging, and you may also experience severe cravings.
Undergoing Ativan detox without medical supervision can make relapse more likely. When the withdrawal symptoms become too unmanageable, it’s common to again seek out Ativan to find relief.
Detoxing from Ativan at a treatment center doesn’t just increase your chances of success; it also helps protect you from possible withdrawal side effects.
Side Effects of Ativan Withdrawal
Ativan withdrawal symptoms aren’t all you need to worry about when you’re trying to detox from Ativan. There’s also a chance of experiencing additional side effects that can be dangerous.
Some potential side effects of Ativan withdrawal you should know about include:
- Seizures
- Loss of consciousness
- Hallucinations
- Death
It’s impossible to predict how a person will react during the process of Ativan withdrawal. Withdrawal and potential side effects depend on many factors, including:
- Level of tolerance
- Length and frequency of use
- Other substances used with Ativan
- Physical health history
- Co-occurring mental health concerns
It’s also best to undergo Ativan detox at a substance use treatment center. Professional detox protects against unforeseen health complications, minimizes discomfort, and connects you to the tools that can help your recovery from Ativan addiction become a lasting one.
Ease Ativan Withdrawal at The Bluffs
The Bluffs offers inpatient care for addiction to a wide variety of drugs. Our benzodiazepine addiction treatment program offers targeted support for healing from addiction to Ativan and similar drugs.
We understand that Ativan addiction is often fueled by co-occurring mental health concerns like severe anxiety. We offer dual-diagnosis care to address all aspects that may be contributing to an Ativan addiction.
Stopping Ativan addiction without support is difficult and can bring health dangers. If you’re ready to ask for help with Ativan addiction, The Bluffs is here to help.
Get help for Ativan addiction today by calling 330.919.9228 and asking about the treatment programs at The Bluffs.