The holidays can be a difficult time for people new to sobriety. Holidays like New Year’s Eve often revolve around celebrations that include drinking, and people new in recovery still want to celebrate without returning to substance use. It is possible to have a sober New Year’s — provided you follow a few simple steps that keep you accountable to your recovery. If you find yourself worried about relapse during the holidays, reach out to The Bluffs at 850.374.5331 to learn about how our addiction treatment programs can help.
The Most Important Step for Staying Sober During Holidays
Staying sober during holidays like New Year’s shouldn’t have to be difficult. People in addiction recovery still want to enjoy the celebrations, and a strong base in your recovery should be able to help you through the holidays. So the first step should be to ensure that you’re taking the actions to solidify your recovery, such as:
- Meeting with an addiction counselor
- Attending addiction self-help support groups
- Practicing the skills you learned in addiction treatment
- Continuing self-work and self-care practices
These crucial elements to addiction recovery can make sure you’re in a good headspace before the holidays.
Choose a Sober New Year’s Party
One option for a sober New Year’s is to attend a sober party. Remember, people in recovery want to have fun too, and many recovery groups throw their own New Year’s parties that are completely alcohol and drug-free. You can find information about these parties at your local 12-step group, through your addiction treatment center, or by searching online.
Bring a Sober Friend
If you don’t want to attend a sober party or you have obligations with family and friends at a party that includes alcohol, consider bringing a sober friend along with you to these events. Having a friend who’s aware of how hard you’re working toward recovery there with you can help to keep you accountable for your actions and give you a safe space to retreat to if temptation strikes.
Your sober friend doesn’t even have to be in recovery themselves. If you have a friend or family member that’s willing to support you in your recovery, ask them if they would stay sober with you through the night for support.
Stay in Touch with Your Sober Support Network
Regardless of what your plans are for New Year’s, it’s essential that you stay in contact with your sober support network. This could be a supportive friend, a 12-step sponsor, or a family member who supports your recovery. If you feel a craving or temptation to have a drink or use drugs, give them a call as soon as the urge hits.
Social support for recovery can go a long way toward helping people maintain abstinence. Sometimes, just calling these friends and talking it out is enough to make sure you don’t relapse. In the worst-case scenario, they may be able to come and take you away from the situation.
If You’re Struggling, Reach Out to The Bluffs for Help
If you’re not sure whether you’ll be able to stay sober through the holidays, reach out to the team at The Bluffs by calling 850.374.5331. Our team understands how difficult it can be to stay sober during these times. We’re here to help people who need a little extra assistance at the turn of the year. We have several different options available for people who need help, including inpatient treatment, alumni programs, both individual and group therapy, and countless other options to help you get and stay sober. Recovery is possible, and The Bluffs is here to help.