Substance use does not occur in a vacuum. There’s often a mental health issue involved as well. In fact, most people seeking substance use treatment require co-occurring disorders treatment, and depression is the most common disease diagnosed in people with substance use disorder. When you’re ready to begin seeking depression and addiction treatment, Ohio rehabilitation centers are here to help.

The Bluffs Ohio offers co-occurring disorders treatment for various mental ailments that exist alongside addiction and has the experience required to help you experience a successful recovery. Contact The Bluffs Ohio at 330-919-9228 to talk to one of our treatment placement specialists and learn more about the evidence-based programs we offer for holistic health.

The Link Between Depression and Addiction

When people are battling depression and addiction, they are often caught in a vicious cycle of self-medication, which only provides temporary relief. 

Drugs or alcohol are used to offset the adverse effects of major depressive disorder, but prolonged use only makes symptoms worse. The cycle can also take the reverse course. In other words, the social and psychological consequences of drug or alcohol use can trigger depression.

The effects of depression are well documented. People suffering from a depressive disorder exhibit the following symptoms:

Many of these symptoms overlap with the behavioral effects of addiction, which could explain why the rates of dual-diagnosis are so high.

Treating Depression

When attending a depression treatment center, Ohio patients receive a multi-faceted approach to helping them heal. Several treatment options effectively treat this disorder, but finding the proper treatment can take time. Evidence-based treatments include:

These treatments and therapies can help reset chemical imbalances in the brain and teach you skills to reframe depressive thoughts and take on a new perspective.

Treating Addiction

Addiction treatment is about inspiring hope and showing people that recovery is possible, something that’s often hard to believe until you see it yourself. 

Addiction treatment shares many of the same approaches as a treatment for depression. However, those in addiction treatment often benefit significantly from group therapy and 12-Step facilitation, which can introduce people new to recovery to a group of people who share a similar problem.

Substance use disorders are not unmanageable. Time-tested psychotherapy and medication-assisted treatment approaches provide evidence-based solutions to overcoming substance use disorder. In fact, millions of people have found sobriety after years of addiction. 

If you have a co-occurring diagnosis along with substance use disorder, you should consider depression and addiction treatment. Ohio treatment seekers can benefit from the synergistic approach.

Treating Co-Occurring Depression and Addiction

Individuals with both diagnoses can benefit from a depression and addiction treatment program. Ohio treatment-seekers who choose a dual-diagnosis facility can expect treatment for both disorders simultaneously, greatly improving their chances of recovery. 

When treating co-occurring disorders, a team of mental health professionals works together to address a patient’s holistic health and assess outcomes in both domains. Acknowledging that multiple disorders need treatment simultaneously can provide individualized treatment plans that have a better chance of success than treating a single disorder alone.

A Depression Treatment Center in Ohio Can Help

Ohio treatment seekers need a place that understands the importance of treating co-occurring disorders. Through our depression and addiction treatment program, Ohio residents can find relief from all of their mental health struggles in a single facility. 

Depression and addiction can be treated. Contact The Bluffs Ohio at 330-919-9228 to learn more about how we incorporate dual-diagnosis treatment into our residential program and start your path to healing today.