If you are looking for a Christian 12-step recovery program in Ohio, Celebrate Recovery may be your answer. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-based addiction recovery program that was started by Pastor Rick Warren in 1991. Self-help groups are an effective resource for maintaining long-term recovery. To serve this need, The Bluffs Ohio offers several self-help addiction treatment programs. Call The Bluffs Ohio at 850-374-5331 to learn more about Celebrate Recovery and the importance of peer support in your recovery.
What is the Celebrate Recovery Program?
Celebrate Recovery is a ministry and self-help recovery group that uses the 12-Steps from Alcoholics Anonymous and the 8 Recovery Principles, which are based on the Beatitudes. The purpose of the program is to provide fellowship and celebrate the healing power of God.
Celebrate is for people who wish to recover from drug or alcohol addiction, but it is not solely for those with substance use disorders. It is designed to help anyone with “hurts, habits, and hang-ups,” including anger, depression, financial loss, eating disorders, and more. Celebrate Recovery has not been scientifically studied, so it cannot claim to be an evidence-based program.
What Are the Eight Principles Used in Celebrate Recovery?
The eight principles used in Celebrate Recovery are:
- Admit powerlessness
- Earnestly believe that God exists
- Choose to commit your life and will to Christ
- Examine and confess your flaws to God, yourself, and someone you trust
- Submit to every change God wills, and ask God to remove character defects
- Evaluate relationships, forgive those who have hurt you, and make amends to those you have hurt
- Reserve time every day for Bible reading, prayer, self-examination, and time with God
- Bring God’s good news to others through actions and words
Moving from self-reliance to faith in Christ is one of the ways this program defines recovery. The program is open to Christians who are looking for support with life’s challenges. Membership in the Saddleback Church, where the program originated, is not required.
What Happens at Celebrate Recovery Meetings?
There is no charge for attending meetings of the Celebrate Recovery program in Ohio or elsewhere. Weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings can be found across the U.S. Meetings are anonymous and confidential. Like most self-help groups, meeting leaders are volunteers who are also in recovery. They are not professional therapists or counselors.
Meetings begin with a large group and then break into smaller groups. The small groups provide an opportunity for sharing personal stories and obstacles. Members are not required to speak, but they are encouraged to share their struggles and accomplishments as they become comfortable.
Step Study groups are different from general meetings. Step Study meetings are led by a trained facilitator and focus on the 12 Steps. It takes approximately eight to 12 months to complete a Step Study course.
Unlike regular meetings, where participants are not obligated to attend every week, members of a Step Study are expected to commit to attending weekly meetings.
One major difference between Celebrate Recovery meetings and other recovery meetings is that people with all types of challenges, not just addiction disorders, may attend.
Celebrate Recovery is a trademarked organization. Every group that uses the name “Celebrate Recovery” must adhere to the guidelines authorized by the founder. No resources outside of the Bible and other authorized materials are allowed.
Are You Looking for a Christian 12-Step Recovery Program in Ohio? Call The Bluffs Ohio
If living a more Christ-based life could help you be more successful in your recovery journey, our Celebrate Recovery program in Ohio could be an important part of your overall treatment program.
Contact The Bluffs Ohio today at 850-374-5331 with questions about Celebrate Recovery or any of the self-help recovery groups we offer.