The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program, or the 12-Step program, is familiar to most people. However, many people don’t realize that AA has been extensively evaluated and found to be effective. Alcoholics Anonymous is one of many evidence-based addiction treatment programs available at The Bluffs Ohio. Call us at 850-374-5331 to learn more.

How Does the Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Program Work?

Members of the Alcoholics Anonymous recovery program rely on a set of spiritual principles known as the Twelve Steps to help them maintain sobriety from alcohol. These principles are:

A “step,” or focus, is attached to each principle. For example, step one is typically interpreted as saying, “We admit we had become powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” It’s the first step because admitting you have a substance use disorder is necessary to receive help.

Each step includes suggestions on how to “work” that step. In other words, the program tells patients how to apply the lessons of the step to everyday living. For example, in step four (“courage”), members are asked to make a “fearless moral inventory” of themselves.

They are asked to document all of their mistakes and bad decisions they have made due to alcohol use. The belief is that facing all of their mistakes then helps them to get a realistic view of their lives and begin to take responsibility for their actions.

People who are new to the program begin with step one and work through the steps in order. Those who have been in the program for longer may return to certain steps over and over when they are facing personal challenges or struggling to resist triggers that can lead to relapse.

For those in AA programs in Ohio and elsewhere, the goal is not to complete the steps. Instead, it’s to continue using them as self-growth tools that help people build the skills they need to enjoy long-term recovery.

The Social Factor in AA Recovery Programs

While it’s possible to work the 12 Steps by yourself, sharing personal experiences at meetings and socializing with others are also important parts of the program. People participating in AA learn from one another as they support and motivate each other. Therefor, making connections with group members helps people stay accountable and gives them someone to talk to when things get difficult.

Becoming part of an AA group can help those in recovery feel less isolated. Furthermore, forging friendships with others who are committed to staying sober provides a valuable social outlet. Members organize and engage in fun, alcohol-free activities, helping each other embrace the sober lifestyle.

Is an AA Program in Ohio Evidence-Based?

A comprehensive evaluation of 35 studies that involved the work of 145 scientists and more than 10,000 participants concluded that AA is effective in helping people achieve lasting abstinence, according to a report by the Stanford Medicine News Center. The emotional support members find in AA is cited as one of the most important and effective factors.

The findings of the study remained consistent among all groups, including young, old, female, male, civilians, and veterans. People interested in participating in an Alcoholics Anonymous program in Ohio or around the country can feel confident they are participating in a well-studied and effective treatment method.

The Bluffs Ohio Offers an AA Program in Ohio

When you Pick Your Path with The Bluffs, you work with your treatment team to identify the recovery method that is most closely aligned with your needs and goals. With the support of your treatment team, you select the path you feel will be most beneficial for you.

The Bluffs Ohio offers comprehensive treatment programs to help people recover from alcohol and substance use disorders. That includes medically supervised detox, cognitive-behavioral therapy, experiential therapies, and more.

Each patient’s customized treatment plan is based on their personal needs and may include participation in AA recovery programs. For more about our Alcoholics Anonymous program in Ohio, call The Bluffs Ohio today at 850-374-5331.